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This was the 22nd and last Scaleforum to be held at Leatherhead Leisure Centre.  The extensive refurbishment has led to an increase in cost such that the Committee has felt it necessary to look elsewhere.  In 2013, Scaleforum will be at Stoke Mandeville Stadium.  There will be more space, so it will be interesting to see what use can be made of it.  Book the dates in your diary - September 28th and 29th 2013.

I hope you will find this retrospective interesting and that it has images to inspire you in your modelling.  You can always bring your treasured work to Scaleforum for others to see, putting it in the Showcase.  You don't have to enter a competition to do this, but if that is what you would like to do, then send off the forms to Terry Bendall.

I have extended the Traders' section to include as many traders as we could photograph, together with names and contact details.  Now you will know what the person at the other end looks like and you have at your (mouse) fingertips the wherewithall to get in touch with them.  I hope you will find this useful.  My thanks to Philip Hall for his photographs.