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Colinton was built as an entry for the Scalefour Society’s 1883 layout competition and replicates an actual location on the Caledonian Railway’s Balerno Branch to the south west of Edinburgh. The layout is set in the 1960s. The location was chosen because there was freight traffic generated by paper and grain mill operations along the length of the branch as well as the station itself. The track layout and lack of a run round loop in the station provide for restricted shunting movements that add interest to the operation of the layout. With the removal of signalling in the early 1900s one engine in steam is the norm for operation which simplifies operations. Passenger train traffic was discontinued in 1943 so the layout is normally a freight only operation. The large industrial building replicates the original “Scott’s Porridge Oats” Mill which still remains on the site although now converted into flats.

Presented by Alastair Dickson