The society logo over a background of trackwork. For 4mm finescale railway modelling at its very best

Advertising in Scalefour News

Please contact us to enquire about advertising in Scalefour News. Your advert will be considered against the guidelines below.

Submission Guidelines for Advertisers

  1. Scalefour News welcomes advertisements from: specialist suppliers selling goods or services which aid finescale modellers; or exhibition organizers promoting finescale orientated modelling events.
  2. Advertising space can be taken in full page, half page or quarter page sizes.
  3. Advertisements should be submitted as PDF files. Images used in any advertisement should be of a high resolution to reproduce well in print (300dpi minimum) and should be submitted with permission to reproduce if applicable. Scalefour News does not undertake design work for advertisers.
  4. The position of advertisements in Scalefour News is subject to the editor’s decision. The position of any advertisement in Scalefour News cannot be guaranteed, nor its inclusion in any particular issue, though every effort will be made to accommodate specific requests.
  5. The inclusion of any advertisement is at the discretion of the editor.
  6. Space for recurring advertisements cannot be guaranteed. New material in each recurring advertisement is encouraged.
  7. Advertisements must be submitted by the submission deadline, although earlier submission is encouraged.
  8. On submission of any advertisement a billing address should be supplied. Payment for any advertisement should be received within 28 days of the bill being issued.

Current advertising rates (exclusive of VAT)

Full page £130.00; half page £65.00 and quarter page £32.50.

Advertising rates are subject to change, after prior notice. A fixed rate cannot be offered for recurring advertisements.