The society logo over a background of trackwork. For 4mm finescale railway modelling at its very best

Wiring a Tortoise Turnout Motor for Electrical Operation

Wiring up a Tortoise motor is best done in two stages.

Start by wiring up a DPDT switch which will control the direction of the motor.
Connect a power supply to C and D
Connect F and A plus a feed to the point motor.
Connect E and B plus a feed to the point motor.

Next, wire the tortoise itself. The Tortoise has 8 terminals.
Connect the wires from terminals A and B of the DPDT switch to terminals 1 and 8 on the motor.
Connect wires from a track feed to terminals 4 and 5. Best done with a terminal block in between in order to reverse the polarity if necessary.
Connect wires from terminals 2 and 7, join them and make 2 connections at the insulated V crossing.

Switch on the power to the DPDT switch and check the operation of the point motor.
The V crossing must be electrically bonded as one unit between the insulated joins. If not additional wiring will be need to make it such.
With a multimeter check that the polarity at the crossing is correct depending on the set of the turnout. If not, then reverse wires at terminals 4 and 5.

Do a final check and make sure there are no shorts.